Arthur S. Slutsky, CM MD FRSC FCAHS

A changemaker in critical care and respiratory medicine

A changemaker in critical care and respiratory medicine

Each year, more than 300 million patients receive mechanical ventilation in hospital settings worldwide. Arthur Slutsky, MD, has advanced the standard of care for these patients. His novel research has transformed the treatment of respiratory failure, including for patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), who have a mortality rate of up to 45%.  Dr. Slutsky showed that mechanical ventilation, although lifesaving, can have many damaging side-effects via a process called “biotrauma” that may lead to multiple organ failure and death. His findings led to improved ventilator strategies and better outcomes for patients with respiratory failure, which was especially important during the COVID-19 pandemic. Throughout his 18 years as Vice President of Research at St. Michael’s Hospital in Toronto, Dr. Slutsky guided the hospital to become an internationally renowned centre of cutting-edge research. He has mentored and collaborated with many individuals around the world, helping to launch the careers of some of the top scientists in critical care medicine. Through his strong leadership and innovative research on mechanical ventilation, Dr. Slutsky has helped improve the outcomes of patients receiving this common essential intervention. 

About the CMHF

The Canadian Medical Hall of Fame (CMHF) celebrates Canadian heroes whose work advances health in Canada and the world, fostering future generations of health professionals through the delivery of local and national youth education programs and awards.

This enduring tribute to our country’s rich medical history is showcased here and in our physical exhibit hall in London, ON