2011 INDUCTEE Albert Aguayo, MD Brain & Mind


July 16, 1934

(Bahia Blanca, Argentina)


MD, National University of Córdoba (1959)

Awards & Honours:

2012: Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal

2010: Honorary Member of the Canadian Medical Association

See All Awards
Picture of Albert Aguayo

Revolutionized regenerative neuroscience research

Dr. Albert Aguayo

An innovative neuroscientist who pushed the boundaries of knowledge

Although trained in clinical neurology, Dr. Aguayo pursued his love of experimental studies, and focused his career on basic research in neurobiology. In 1967, he joined the Department of Neurology and Neurosurgery at McGill.

By utilizing some of the most advanced anatomical and physiological techniques then available, Dr. Aguayo and his team were the first to show that nerve fibres and function in the central nervous system of adult mammals could be restored after injury. Neural repair today stands in a prominent position due to his exceptional research.

Key Facts

Travelled worldwide as a keynote speaker and teacher promoting research and science education

Authored more than 150 scientific publications and served on the editorial board of 26 journals

Held numerous international positions of leadership including Chairman of the Council of Scientists of the Human Frontier Science Program in Strasbourg

Served as president for the premier societies of neurology and neuroscientist in North America

Professional timeline

Impact on lives today

Dr. Albert Aguayo is a pioneer and an unquestionable leader in neural regeneration. His groundbreaking research initiated a rebirth of regenerative medicine by demonstrating that nerve fibres within the central nervous system are capable of regeneration. An eminent neuroscientist with a contagious passion for discovery, Dr. Aguayo's enthusiastic and generous spirit has inspired many prominent investigators and offered hope that advances in brain regeneration will continue well into the future.

Picture of Albert Aguayo


  • Dr. Bienenstock and Dr. Aguayo

    Albert Aguayo inducted into the Canadian Medical Hall of Fame

    London, Ontario

  • McGill logo

    The Albert J. Aguayo Annual Lecture in Neuroscience was established at McGill.

    Health and Medical Education & Training

    The Fonds de la recherche en santé du Québec also created a neuroscience fellowship bearing his name that supports the training of students from developing countries in Québec.

  • IBRO logo

    Global Leadership

    Leadership in Organizational Development

    Dr. Aguayo spearheaded new policies while serving the International Brain Research Organization, first as secretary general from 2000 to 2005, and then as president from 2006 to 2008.

  • Committed to enhancing support for clinician-scientist, Dr. Aguayo became a founding member of the Canadian Society of Academic Medicine

    Leadership in Organizational Development

  • A testament to his contributions to neurology, Dr. Aguayo became the Director of Montreal General Hospital’s Division of Neurology.

    Leadership in Organizational Development, Brain & Mind

    In 1985, he also became Director of McGill’s Centre for Research in Neuroscience.

  • While at McGill, Dr. Albert Aguayo began to demonstrate that it was possible to restore severed neural pathways and connections in the central nervous system of mammals

    Brain & Mind

    Dr. Aguayo published the findings of innovative experiments between 1975 and 1985.

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    Dr. Aguayo was appointed Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Medicine at McGill University.

    Health and Medical Education & Training

  • UofT logo

    Dr. Aguayo came to Canada to complete his residency training at the University of Toronto.

    There, he was influenced by Professor Jerzy Olszewski to pursue a career as a neuroscientist.


He has a contagious passion for discovery.