Meet our Laureates

Six Canadian medical heroes are inducted annually into the Canadian Medical Hall of Fame. Their work may be a single meritorious contribution or a lifetime of superior accomplishments.  Pioneers in their field, they are role models of excellence in health in Canada and the world.
Infectious Disease, Allergy & Immunity
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    Noni MacDonald, MD

    Infectious Disease, Allergy & Immunity, Women in Medicine, Global Health, Public Health, Health Promotion & Advocacy

    Forged inspiring new paths in preventing and treating paediatric infectious disease

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    Allison McGeer, MD

    Women in Medicine, Infectious Disease, Allergy & Immunity, Health Policy

    Improved research-led policy to combat bacterial and viral infections

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    Jonathan L. Meakins, MD

    Evidence-based Medicine & Clinical Trials, Patient Care, Infectious Disease, Allergy & Immunity

    Demonstrated the relationship between weakened immune responses and poor surgical outcomes, leading to significant improvements in assessment and…

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    F. Estelle R. Simons, MD

    Infectious Disease, Allergy & Immunity

    Dr. Estelle Simons, a clinician scientist, is internationally renowned for research on the pharmacologic management of allergic diseases,…

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    Michel G. Bergeron, MD

    Infectious Disease, Allergy & Immunity

    Michel G. Bergeron has served his country and the world in many roles: soldier, professor, clinician, researcher, administrator, entrepreneur, and…

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    Julio S.G. Montaner, MD

    Infectious Disease, Allergy & Immunity, Infectious Disease, Allergy & Immunity, Global Health, Public Health, Health Promotion & Advocacy

    Dr. Julio Montaner is a determined and passionate visionary whose life work has directly contributed to stopping HIV and AIDS around the world

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    Allan Ronald, MD

    Infectious Disease, Allergy & Immunity, Service Abroad, Leadership in Organizational Development, Patient Care, Health and Medical Education & Training

    For over 40 years, Dr. Allan Ronald and his team engaged in pioneering work to investigate, understand and control…

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    Calvin R. Stiller, MD

    Infectious Disease, Allergy & Immunity, Leadership in Organizational Development, Health and Medical Education & Training, Diabetes

    Dr. Calvin Stiller was Canada’s major voice in organ transplantation during the 1970’s, 1980’s and early 1990’s when the field transformed from a…

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    John FitzGerald, MD PhD

    Infectious Disease, Allergy & Immunity, Leadership in Organizational Development

    Dr. John FitzGerald was a visionary and pioneer in Canadian public health. Disturbed by the unchecked epidemics that impacted Canadians’ as well…

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