Are you interested in which Laureates relate to a specific disease, or specialty?
Arnold Naimark, MD
Leadership in Organizational Development, Health and Medical Education & Training
As Dean of Medicine and later the President of the University of Manitoba, Dr. Arnold Naimark transformed the university’s faculty of medicine and…
Bette Stephenson, MD
Leadership in Organizational Development, Public Health, Health Promotion & Advocacy, Women in Medicine, Health and Medical Education & Training
A pioneer and role model for women, Dr. Bette Stephenson had an outstanding career in the field of Canadian medicine, academics and politics. Dr…
Armand Frappier, MD
Infectious Disease, Allergy & Immunity, Leadership in Organizational Development, The Early Days - Health Care Pioneers
A moving force, a trailblazer, a visionary. These are some of the many accolades used to describe Dr. Armand Frappier, the founder of the first…
John Dirks, MD
Global Health, Leadership in Organizational Development, Genitourinary Tract
Dr. John H. Dirks has elevated Canadian science and education to unprecedented heights, particularly in transforming the Gairdner Foundation…
F. Clarke Fraser, MD PhD
Cells, Genetics & Genomics, Leadership in Organizational Development
Spanning the fields of science and medicine, Dr. F. Clarke Fraser was one of the creators of the discipline of medical genetics in North America,…
John J.R. Macleod, MB ChB
Diabetes, Evidence-based Medicine & Clinical Trials, Leadership in Organizational Development
Playing a vital – though often neglected – role in the discovery of insulin, and making a world-class, history-making…
Allan Ronald, MD
Infectious Disease, Allergy & Immunity, Service Abroad, Leadership in Organizational Development, Patient Care, Health and Medical Education & Training
For over 40 years, Dr. Allan Ronald and his team engaged in pioneering work to investigate, understand and control…
Paul David, MD
Heart & Vessels, Leadership in Organizational Development, Health Policy
Dr. Paul David is considered Quebec's Father of Cardiology. An exceptional cardiologist with a pioneering spirit, Dr. David established the…
Jonathan Meakins, MD
Leadership in Organizational Development, Health and Medical Education & Training
Dr. Jonathan Meakins was a brilliant investigator and innovative leader who made enduring contributions to McGill’s medical school and medical…