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Daniel J. Drucker, MD
Evidence-based Medicine & Clinical Trials, Hormones, Digestion
Revealed the potential for gut hormones to achieve dramatic clinical outcomes in the treatment of life-limiting and life-threatening metabolic and…
Michel Chrétien, MD
Physician/endocrinologist Michel Chrétien is an incomparable researcher. He discovered γ-lipotropin in 1967 and was the first to propose the…
Adolfo de Bold, PhD
Dr. Adolfo de Bold was an exemplary scientist whose study of the storage granules in atrial heart cells forever changed our understanding of how…
Mladen Vranic, MD DSc
A giant in the field of diabetes research, Dr. Mladen Vranic’s career spreads over 50 decades. In that time, his ground-breaking contributions to…
Jean Dussault, MD
Before Dr. Dussault’s developed a screening test for congenital hypothyroidism, millions of children developed a tragic condition known as…
Hans Selye, MD PhD
Dr. Hans Selye is acknowledged as the "Father" of the field of stress research, having gained world-wide recognition for introducing the concept…
Claude Fortier, MD
When Dr. Claude Fortier began his post-secondary education, he studied sociology and political science. After a life altering experience, however,…
Ray Farquharson, MD
Hormones, Leadership in Organizational Development
As an authoritative figure in the field of endocrinology, Dr. Ray Fletcher Farquharson made a lasting mark on Canadian medicine. In addition, his…
Douglas Harold Copp, MD
Hormones, Skin, Bones, Muscles & Joints
In 1961, Dr. Douglas Harold Copp's research into hormones led to the groundbreaking discovery of calcitonin, a hormone which regulates the level…