School Registration Form / Formulaire d'inscription de l'école

Saskatchewan, Manitoba and Nunuvat, Presented on the event platform Accelevents
May 28, 2025

A designated teacher or guidance counsellor is asked to be the liaison between interested students and the planning team by registering their school. This is an expression of interest to receive further information. It does not obligate you to have students attend, nor does it guarantee there will be space when students go online to register. As your school's Liaison, you will receive student registration instructions when available (see important dates on the event page), to pass along to those interested in participating.

Teachers are welcome to take part as well, but are not required to do so. Teacher registration will open at the same time as students.

I Agree to the following terms and conditions/J’accepte les modalités et conditions suivantes:

I will support and facilitate the registration of any students from my school who are interested in attending Discovery Day in Health Sciences.

J’appuierai et faciliterai l’inscription de tout élève de mon école qui s’intéresse à la Journée Découverte en sciences de la santé.