Your registration was successful! Thank you for your registration to Discovery Days in Health Sciences. We are really looking forward to meeting you at the event. Please keep this confirmation for your records.
If you have any questions, please email us at
Votre inscription est réussie! Merci beaucoup de votre inscription au programme de la Journée Découvertes en sciences de la santé! Nous avons vraiment hâte de vous rencontrer. Veuillez conserver cette confirmation pour vos dossiers.
Si vous avez des questions, n'hesitez pas à communiquer avec nous au
About the CMHF
The Canadian Medical Hall of Fame (CMHF) celebrates Canadian heroes whose work advances health in Canada and the world, fostering future generations of health professionals through the delivery of local and national youth education programs and awards.
This enduring tribute to our country’s rich medical history is showcased here and in our physical exhibit hall in London, ON