Canadian Medical Hall of Fame Honouring Excellence
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Explore the Laureate Impact Themes

Featured Impact Theme:
Brain & Mind

  1. 1935

    While working on his University of Paris thesis, Herbert Jasper set up one of the first clinical electroencephalograph labs at Brown University

  2. 1939

    The EEG Department at MNI opened in January of 1939

  3. 1940

  4. 1940's

    Over the next two decades, Drs. Jasper and Penfield studied epilepsy and worked to develop functional maps of the human brain

  5. 1949

    Dr. Donald O. Hebb published "The Organization of Behavior"

  6. 1950

  7. 1954

    Brenda Milner authored a now renowned publication, “Intellectual Function of the Temporal Lobes"

  8. 1955

    Brenda Milner began working with “HM”

  9. 1956

    C. Miller Fisher continued to make significant contributions to the field of neurology with the descriptions of many cerebrovascular syndromes

  10. 1957

    Brenda Milner published another groundbreaking article

  11. 1960

  12. 1960

    Fortier returned to Canada and became Director of the endocrinology lab at the Université Laval

  13. 1962

    Dr. Hubel and Dr. Wiesel published one of their earliest ground-breaking papers

  14. 1963

    Dr. David Hubel published his first book, The Visual Cortex of the Brain

  15. 1966

    Dr. Tulving published an influential paper on retrieval processes

  16. 1970

  17. 1972

    Dr. Tulving published a book chapter in which he argued that memory for specific events and memory for general knowledge were the manifestations of two distinct memory systems

  18. 1975

    Dr. Hachinski co-founded the first acute comprehensive stroke unit in the world

  19. 1980

  20. 1981

    Dr. Hubel was awarded the Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine for his contributions to our knowledge of how visual information is processed

  21. 1983

    Dr. Tulving published his book “Elements of Episodic Memory"

  22. 1985

    Dr. Weiss and colleagues identify ionotropic and metabotropic receptors for the neurotransmitter glutamate.

  23. 1990

  24. 1992

    On the space craft DISCOVERY, Dr. Bondar circled our planet at thirty thousand kilometres per hour, situated three hundred kilometres above Earth

  25. 1992

    Pivotal paper published in Science in 1992 announces seminal discovery that the adult mammalian central nervous system contains neural stem cells.

  26. 1994

    The Neuroscience Division of the Douglas Hospital Research Centre was formed with Dr. Quirion serving as its first scientific director

  27. 1998

    After a decade at UBC, Dr. Cynader was appointed Founding Director of the Brain Research Centre

  28. 2000

  29. 2000

    NeuroVir was sold to a German biotechnology company that took NeuroVir’s technology into clinical trials

  30. 2000

    The Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) appointed Dr. Quirion as the first Science Director for the Institute of Neurosciences, Mental Health and Addiction (INMHA), one of Canada’s 13…

  31. 2004 - 2017

    Founding Director of the Hotchkiss Brain Institute

  32. 2010

  33. 2011

    Dr. Hachinski became the Inaugural chair of the World Brain Alliance

  34. 2020

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