Are you interested in which Laureates relate to a specific disease, or specialty?
James Dosman, MD
Lungs, Public Health, Health Promotion & Advocacy, Global Health
Dr. James A. Dosman has devoted his long career to improving and protecting the health of agricultural workers in Canada and throughout the world…
Rémi Quirion, PhD
Brain & Mind, Leadership in Organizational Development, Health Policy
Scientist-administrators like Dr. Quirion help ensure that great projects of science, grounded in basic research, will continue to generate social…
Jacalyn Duffin, MD PhD
Health & Humanities, Health and Medical Education & Training, Public Health, Health Promotion & Advocacy, Women in Medicine, Blood
A hematologist and historian, Dr. Duffin has made enduring contributions to medical research and education that deepen our historical…
Vladimir Hachinski, MD
Brain & Mind, Leadership in Organizational Development
Dr. Vladimir Hachinski is a world-renowned neurologist, a foremost authority in the field of stroke, dementia and Alzheimer’s research and an…
Philip Berger, MD
Patient Care, Service Abroad, Public Health, Health Promotion & Advocacy, Health and Medical Education & Training
Physicians resist the ravages of disease, and sometimes, the agendas and interests of governments. Dr. Philip Berger’s 40-year career is a record…
B. Brett Finlay, PhD
Cells, Genetics & Genomics, Infectious Disease, Allergy & Immunity
Dr. Brett Finlay has extended our understanding of how microbes interact with humans in both health and disease, uncovered their role in asthma,…
Balfour Mount, MD
Patient Care, Public Health, Health Promotion & Advocacy, Leadership in Organizational Development
Dr. Balfour Mount has worked as a physician, lecturer and author to ensure compassion has kept pace with power in our treatment of life-limiting…
Emily Stowe, MD
The Early Days - Health Care Pioneers, Health and Medical Education & Training, Women in Medicine
Dr. Emily Stowe ranks as a true pioneer. She was the first female public school principal in Ontario, the first female physician to practise…
Cheryl Rockman-Greenberg, MDCM
Patient Care, Women in Medicine, Cells, Genetics & Genomics, Skin, Bones, Muscles & Joints
By developing diagnostic tests, screening programs, and treatments for disorders once untreatable and poorly understood,…